From Sci-Fi to Reality: The Coming Boom of Humanoid Robots

The movie i, Robot starring Will Smith premiered back in 2004. It’s not his best movie, but the setting is classic science fiction. It takes place in the far-off future of 2035, in a world populated by highly intelligent humanoid robots. Of course, what was once a far-off future is now only a decade away… And what […]

Choosing the Right System for Your Portfolio

The legendary Greek inventor, mathematician and physicist Archimedes once said: “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” Originally referencing the magic of physics, this observation has since taken on a larger meeting. It’s become a metaphor for how the prepared mind can […]

From Michelin Star Recipes to Trading Systems: The Secret Behind Our 104% Return

In the restaurant world, few honors are as prestigious as a Michelin star. These stars are given to restaurants with exceptional food. Out of over 15 million restaurants worldwide, fewer than 16,000 have earned a Michelin star — just 0.10%. Michelin-star chefs like Alain Ducasse, Gordon Ramsay and Massimo Bottura are not just cooks. They […]

How Google Cracked the Quantum Code

One of computing’s wildest dreams is becoming a reality. We techno geeks have probably been thinking about computer capabilities since we first laid eyes on HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Coincidentally, this movie came out only four years after the first supercomputer was developed in 1964. And just recently our minds are blown […]

Intel’s $3.4 Trillion “Blunder” Actually Saved AI…

“What if?” What if Benjamin Franklin never experimented with a kite? What if the United States never imposed an oil embargo on Japan in August 1941? What if President Dwight Eisenhower never sent military support to Vietnam in 1955? Questions like this can be associated with just about every major event in history. Armchair quarterbacking […]

3 Reasons Your Investments FAIL (And How to Avoid Them)

Though I only met Charlie Munger briefly, his influence on my thinking has been profound. Charlie was Warren Buffett’s longtime partner at Berkshire Hathaway. He passed away on November 28, 2023, just 33 days shy of his 100th birthday. Buffett once said Charlie had “the best 30-second mind in the world. He goes from A […]